Capsized update

Capsized is nearing completion – we have a marketplace set, and now it’s just a matter of polishing and usability testing to make sure it’s a good experience for everyone. One new aspect of the game that we are still tweaking is the COOP gamemode, which allows two – four people to play through the campaign on the same screen.

No new screens, but here is some old concept art some the beginning of 2009, right when the project started:

Capsized Trailer Released

A new Capsized trailer has released to show all all of the enhancements since the last 2009 version.

This time we wanted to show off more of the puzzle elements of the game – and show all the different environments and gameplay options. One part that is only briefly shown in the video is the powerup system now in place, where we have a lot of interesting powerups for the user to find (in the video Nanobots are shown, which help destroy attacking enemies)